Le Morne Brabant

This incredible sight is actually an illusion of an underwater waterfall. It is a natural anomaly located in the Indian Ocean, near the shores of Le Morne Brabant, southwest of Mauritius (approximately 2,000 kilometers off the southeastern coast of Africa).
Mauritius has an original relief since surrounded by a coral reef. In addition, the undercurrents, silt deposits, and sand, moving under the action of underwater currents, create visibility of the underwater waterfall.
These deceptive landscapes seem bizarre cascades, and their eddy jets fall directly to the ocean bottom. Transparency of the water also plays an important role. The crystal-clear ocean waters provide an opportunity to enjoy the incredible view. Shades of white, blue, and green colors move one into another and create an amazing optical illusion!
Unfortunately, walking on the water or along the shore, you won’t see this beauty and or anything special at all. Such alien scenery can be seen just from the bird’s flight. For this purpose, you should book a trip by helicopter. However, this is not cheap pleasure – it will cost you from 300 to 1500 dollars for 2 persons and will last only 15 minutes.
Le Morne Brabant Mountain was submitted to the candidate list of the World Heritage sites in 2003. In 2008, the nomination process concluded when UNESCO inscribed the site on the World Heritage List.
The peninsula of Le Morne benefits from a micro-climate. It is highlighted by an eponymous basaltic monolith with a summit 556 meters (1,824 ft) above sea level. The summit covers an area of over 12 hectares (30 acres). There are many caves and overhangs on the steep slopes. It is largely surrounded by a lagoon and is a well-known tourist attraction.
The peninsula was notorious in the early 19th century as a refuge for runaway slaves. After the abolition of slavery in Mauritius, on 1 February 1835, a police expedition traveled there to inform the slaves that they had been freed. However, the purpose of the expedition was misunderstood and the slaves leaped to their deaths from the rock. Since then the date is celebrated by Mauritian creoles as the Annual Commemoration of the Abolition of Slavery.