Surrealistic ice cave in Kamchatka

The Kamchatka Peninsula, located in the Russian Far East, is a region of exceptional natural beauty with large symmetrical volcanoes, lakes, protected rivers, and picturesque coast. Snow in these latitudes lies from October to the end of May.
The peninsula also has a chain of active volcanoes that make up the spine of the peninsula. The peninsula was recently studied; minor human exploitation helped to preserve the peninsula and its flora in almost perfect condition.
Before the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kamchatka was closed to foreigners and most Russians, since a military base of submarines with nuclear warheads was based at the southern end of the peninsula.
After the collapse of the USSR, Kamchatka has become a popular destination for adrenaline lovers, it especially attracts fans of extreme winter sports.
Photographic tours are held here especially for those who like to make an unforgettable photo frame, it is likely that such a spectacle is no longer anywhere in the world.
Mysterious land Kamchatka is famous not only for volcanoes and geysers but also for other amazing natural phenomena. These are unique ice and snow caves, which are formed by the forces of nature, and are amazing tourist sites.
In the Far East of Russia, in the area of the Mutnovsky volcano in Kamchatka, there is an amazing ice cave, which until recently was hidden from prying eyes under a large thickness of snow.
It was formed under very interesting conditions. This incredibly beautiful ice cave, an almost kilometer-long tunnel that was formed by a hot spring of water flowing under the ice fields on the slopes of the neighboring Mutnovsky volcano.
Hot lava flows, ice, geysers, and sunlight created a fabulously, surreal-looking and beautiful ice cave. Recently, glaciers on the volcanoes of Kamchatka are melting very quickly, so the upper ice layer of the cave has become very thin. Because of this, bright sunlight penetrates through the layers of ice, creating an incredible glow.
A guide and a group of photographers found these caves by chance in late 2012. It was only by accident that the caves were discovered in the first place, the guide was said to have taken a route that was outside his usual plans. This same guide said that he would have trouble finding it now during the winter there is more than a meter of grey and dirty snow covering the entrance.
At the entrance to the cave, the thickness of the ceiling is very small and sunlight breaking through it gives a unique beauty to the sight. The main colors that the eyes see in the cave are Green, Yellow, and Blue. The farther away from the entrance, the thicker the arch of the cave becomes and the less light penetrates through it. On the ceiling, bizarre images, both in form and in color, continually appear. Somewhere in the middle of the cave (it is about 300 meters), there is a large hall with a small cascade.
The conditions for shooting in a cave, to put it mildly, are not the best almost everywhere water pours from the ceiling that wants to fill the equipment.
The area of Mutnovsky volcano is famous for its abundance of rainfall. This cave is located in a ravine up to 10 meters deep, through which an ordinary mountain stream flows. In winter, this ravine is flush with snow, and the thickness of the cave arch can reach 5-6 meters.
At the exit from the cave the path is blocked by a small 5 meters, waterfall, but it is dangerous to approach it, since the edges of the arch here constantly collapse. You can get out of the cave through a small side exit.